Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Are You Focused on the Process or the Results?

One of the things we pride ourselves on at Fitness Evolved is getting Results.  That's why you come to us.  One of the biggest reasons we're able to get the results that we get is because we've learned a little secret along the way: Set a goal.  Design a plan that will get you there.  Then forget about the goal and focus on the process!
We are all goal-oriented, results- focused people.  That's how we function in our jobs, and what motivates us to keep going every day.  However, if you look at the top 1% of performers in any arena, be it sports, business, music, etc., you'll see a different focus.  The picture below is from a course we attended recently, and says a lot once you put it into context:
Results or Process

It's a little blurry, but I'll caption it for you. The person in the photo on the left is American tennis player, Andy Roddick.  Andy was a very good player, top 5 in the world at one point, but all through his career was never quite able to meet his "potential" and break through to be the most dominant player in tennis even though he had all of the tools to do so.  The photo on the right is of Roger Federer, the greatest tennis player of all time, to date.  Roger spent many years on top, and was pretty much unbeatable through most of his career until recently.
In the photos, Andy Roddick is hitting a forehand return and his eyes are already looking across the court to see where the ball went before he's even made contact:  Results Focused.  Roger Federer, on the other hand, is actually looking at the ball; watching it hit the racket while he's making his forehand return:  Process Focused.
Federer figured out early that as long as he focuses on the process and does all of the steps necessary to make a good, consistent, accurate stroke, the results will take care of themselves.  Roddick, on the other hand, was always very good, but always inconsistent and never quite able to put it all together and get the results he was looking for.  Roddick was just as good, or better, of an athlete as Federer was, but Federer was more focused on the process than the results.  He focused on the process, became great at the basics, and let the results take care of themselves.

The same goes for our training and journey towards improved health and fitness.  We all have goals, and those goals are what determine how we train/what we do.  But, if we focus only on the results and how close or far we are from our goal, we may miss opportunities along the way to tweak or improve the process that would possibly get us there faster.  

The fact of the matter is, there are many factors that are probably keeping you from your goal- more than you can keep track of or be aware of at one time.  Your body is dealing with all of those roadblocks at once, and only when we've removed the right ones or enough of them will it begin to become healthier and adapt to what we're working on.

  Paying attention to the details and taking simple steps that we know will make us healthier is the surest way to get to where we want to be.  No matter how far away you think you may be from reaching your goal, one step towards becoming healthier is only a benefit, and one step closer to reaching your goal.  If we take the time to look at and invest in the process, we have an opportunity to learn a lot about ourselves and how the body works along the way!  

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Six Pack Abs are More Important than Fun?!

Fitness Evolved Core Value #3 states:  "Continually Learn and Improve."  We take all of our core values very seriously (that's why they're our core values!) and this one is no exception.  You'll notice that we frequently take time away to continue to learn and bring new ideas and techniques to our training system.  Andy just returned from Phoenix after taking what was one of the most fun and inspiring courses we've been to so far:  Z Health 9S Skill & Style

This course focused on one thing that many of us have left behind as we've entered our adult years:  Play!  Everything we've been doing in our training and at our gym has been for this purpose.  If we're all being honest, very few of us came to Fitness Evolved because we wanted to get better at doing lunges or deadlifts, or burpees... It's ok, you can admit it!  You came because you wanted to find something to make you feel better so you can enjoy life more.  All of those lunges, deadlifts, burpees, weird mobility exercises, vision exercises that make you tired and loopy, and balance exercises are all given with the intent of helping you develop a more athletic body so you can go out and play- do what you want to do and have fun doing it.  This is the pinnacle of why we do what we do.  Our bodies are designed to move; Our brain's crave stimulus and novelty.  Sports provide both!  Whether you're a competitive person or not, playing sports and being active is the key to having a healthy strong body and high quality of life.  It requires you to move as well as challenge your brain to think quickly, accurately, and solve problems in real-time.  Plus, once someone takes the time to teach you the skill required and you have some success, they become fun!  
This most impactful quote I heard over the weekend was this:  "Somewhere along the line, somebody somewhere decided that having 6-Pack Abs was more Important than having fun."  And thus, our current fitness culture was created.   Here's the irony-  the people who have the bodies we envy and would like to have are the ones we see on TV playing sports, not in the gym lifting weights!  They spend most of their time playing, and we spend our time trying to achieve what they've achieved by working.  Granted these athletes do work hard, and they do spend time in the gym, but the majority of their time is spent playing.  

The other important concept we discussed was to "Break the Habit of Being You."  What stories have you told yourself about your own athleticism?  Why do we believe ourselves so strongly?  We are who we think we are until we decide to be different.  Many people first lack a skill for something, and then create a narrative around why they don't do it. (i.e. "I don't have time."  "I'm not an athlete."  "I have more important things to do." etc.)  If someone were to take the time to teach you the basic skills of a sport or activity, could you see yourself actually being different than you currently are?  

We chose the word "Evolved" in Fitness Evolved very intentionally.   Over the next few days and weeks, you will see the next evolution of Fitness Evolved- it's a very exciting time!  We strongly believe fitness and exercise should be fun and being able to play is the key to living a long, healthy, and fulfilling life.  

Is there a sport that you love that you'd like to get better at?  Is there a sport or activity you've always wanted to try that you never thought you could do?  Let's do it!  All sports come down to a few very basic movements and skills that can be taught quickly.  What would happen if you found you were actually able to learn to do it?  How many other windows and doors would that open up for you?  We all have to learn to break the habit of being ourselves if we want to be better than we currently are.