Wednesday, August 21, 2013

FE Core Value #3: Continually Learn and Improve

As you all know, we were closed this weekend to host another educational course.  While we don't like to close our doors often because it limits our members' access, we feel it's incredibly important for us as your coaches to stay up to date on the most current information as well as hone in our coaching skills to give you the most effective programs, sessions, and classes we can.  That's why it's so high on our Core Values list.  If you haven't seen our Fitness Evolved Core Values yet, click here.
Why do we go to so many courses, especially Z Health courses?  Good question!  Z Health is the one education company that is continually updating and evolving their system as new information comes out, and we learn more effective ways to use that information.
How much new information can there be?  Tons!  Since 1995, 90% of what we knew about how the brain and nervous system works has been proven to be wrong.  This means that neuroscience is changing constantly as our technology improves and we begin to see new possibilities.  
What exactly is Z Health?  Another great question.  We know many of you have been excited about what we do, but have had a hard time describing it to your friends and family.  
Here's a short animated "commercial" that explains it well, and can easily be forwarded to anyone you've been trying to explain it to:
Z-Health Animation
Z-Health Animation
As we continue to learn and practice our skills, we're better able to help you reach your goals quickly, safely, and sustainably!  Thanks for letting us do that. :)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Training to be Average?

This week's newsletter is actually a TED Talk that we think is very well done, entertaining, and makes some really interesting points.  If you at least watch the first 5 minutes (set 5 minutes aside to watch this!) you'll see how we've started to take all of the data we've gotten and applied it to "the average person."  Following that rationale, comparing ourselves and shooting for what the "average person" does leads us to being just that:  average.  Most of us have higher hopes and expectations for ourselves.  That's why our training system is based on what the best of the best performers (in athletics and life!) can do.  

If you watch further, he shows how "training your brain" doesn't just apply to what we do here in the gym, but we can also train it during our daily lives to improve performance, productivity, and happiness.  

TEDxBloomington - Shawn Achor -