Thursday, October 21, 2010

"From Seed to Table"

I watched a great documentary on PBS last night called "Nourish." A great theme that kept coming up (and a great reminder for us as we are at the store selecting our meals for the week) is the idea of "knowing the story of your food from seed to table." We all have stories. And, if you think about it, the food we eat has a story as well. Where did it come from? Did the workers who grew/raised it get paid fairly? Were they exposed to any harmful chemicals or pesticides? Was our food exposed to any chemicals or pesticides? How far did it travel to get into your hand now? The answers to all of these questions have large implications. These answers affect our health, they affect our community, they affect our environment, and ultimately affect our world. Making one positive decision, such as paying an extra 39 cents/pound for organic tomatoes vs. conventional, has a ripple effect that starts internally in our body spreads further than we are able to see. Know the story of your food and, more importantly, be sure you like that story! If you like the story, you'll most likely enjoy the food more. Your body will thank you for it, and so will the thousands of farmers who worked hard to bring it to you!

1 comment:

  1. Great point! I always think about how eating organically will help my body be healthier, but not until recently have I thought about how it affects others as well. It seems the best thing to do would be to grow your own organic food, which would ensure it's safe as well as keep more money from being spent and fuel being used to transport the produce to the store. However, that can be difficult to do in our fast-paced lives...
