Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Stamina...A Fitting Topic for the End of the Year!

Last week, Andy was in Phoenix at the Z Health headquarters attending the final (so far!) course of the Z Health curriculum:  9S: Stamina.  

This course was full of incredibly powerful concepts and even more tools to help us get incredible results.  A lot of focus over the 4 days was on breathing and respiration skill. We'll be unrolling this over the coming months.

One concept that really hit home was the concept of what Stamina actually is.  Stamina was defined as "the ability to complete excellent repetitions over time."  This can be applied not only to the gym, but to our work, nutrition, relationships, and all other areas of life that are important to us. (key word in that last sentence:  important.)  
Anything that's important enough for us to actually want to improve takes actual hard work and dedication.  We try to find as many short cuts as possible to get there faster, we still have to put in the work. 

We were left with this quote that hit home with and is still leaving us in a state of reflection and self -examination:
"Don't be upset by the Results you Didn't Get With the Work You Didn't Do."

For us personally, we're left examining our business, our health, and our relationships.  Hopefully this gives you something to think about, and gives you the freedom to pick what's actually important to you.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

20/20/20 Vision!

This week we're coming back to vision and adding on the layer of posture!  Did you know that posture, while we are able to consciously control it when we think about it, is actually a reflex?  Did you also know that 70% of that posture reflex is driven by your vision?  That means, if your eyes are fatigued or you aren't seeing as well as you could, you will adjust you posture to help you see what you're looking at better... AKA "Computer Neck!"  

The average human head ways 12 pounds.  For every inch of forward head posture, an extra 10 lbs. is added.  It's typical to have up to an extra 33 lbs. of flexed forward posture from poor vision and/or eye strain!  (Thanks, Kay Hutchison for attending the workshop and passing along these stats!)

Especially this time of year when work loads tend to increase in a scramble to finish out the year's work before the holidays come along.  We get caught up in our work, and before we know it, hours have passed since we even looked away from the computer screen, and our posture reflects it! 

So, as an early holiday gift, we're giving you a simple tool/rule to help avoid "Computer Neck" and keep your tall, beautiful posture for all of your holiday parties...
It's the 20/20/20 Rule.. 
Every 20 minutes, Look 20 feet away, for 20 seconds.

To make it easier for you to remember, we're attaching a nice sheet that has a reminder for you that you can print out and hang in your office space so you'll see it.  This was created by our colleague in Seattle, Jennifer Waak, Z Health Master Trainer and creator of the "Keyboard Athletes" program.  Jen has a great website full of helpful tips and information.  Check it out!www.keyboardathletes.com

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Your Brain and Thanksgiving...

This week's newsletter is a quick video (less than 5 minutes!) from Dr. Cobb of Z Health.  He talks about the "skill of being thankful," and how the practice of acknowledging your wins leads to improved happiness, wellness, and productivity.  
Your Brain and Thanksgiving
Your Brain and Thanksgiving

Here's the link to the app he referred to in the video:  Win Streak App  

Enjoy, and Happy Thanksgiving!