As I'm sure we've all heard, our food supply isn't what it used to be. More and more science and research is showing that it's almost impossible to get adequate amounts of certain vitamins through diet alone. One of the most important in this group is Vitamin D.
What does vitamin D do and why is it important? Vitamin D controls your body's ability to produce energy as well as determine how good your coordination, reaction time, strength, speed and endurance actually are. It also helps control inflammation, which controls muscle soreness and recovery time. Low vitamin D levels are linked to increased body fat as well as a weakened immune system.
New research has shown that all cells and tissue contain receptors for vitamin D, which suggests vitamin D is essential in order for every cell and tissue in your body to function properly.
How do we know if we're low on Vitamin D?
The only way to truly know is through lab testing. Some signs and symptoms of being low in Vitamin D are: fatigue, slow recovery time between workouts, decrease in coordination or "clumsiness," forgetfulness, poor sleep.
Where does Vitamin D come from?
We get some Vitamin D in our diet through drinking milk/dairy, but to get enough, we'd have to drink approximately 60 glasses per day. We also get Vitamin D from the sun. 30 minutes of full body skin exposure to the sun 3 times per week would provide adequate Vitamin D, but in the 21st Century Bay Area that doesn't seem very practical.
So what do we do about it?
First, you have to have your Vitamin D levels assessed from a lab. Remember, if you're not assessing, you're just guessing! Once you know how low, or if you're low at all, then you can determine how to supplement to return your levels to optimal.
Note: "Lab Reference Ranges" are not optimal! They are an average based on who comes in their door. Most people who are going to a lab are not in optimal health! Your Vitamin D levels should be higher than the labs' reference range if you want optimal levels.